Friday, February 27, 2015

Fantastic! Snow Tea House!

日本では 寒さも和らいできました。

In Japan, 
the cold is getting  more soft.
Some TV news program inform 
about the start of plum blossoms 
as one of signs of Spring coming.
So ...
I should hurry 
to open this photo 
before the end of Winter.
The curator of ”Mies van der Rohe Haus” sent us this.

Squee!  So wonderful!
Our Tea House wore makeup 
with snow of Berlin.
私は9月の 青々とした芝生の上に
The scene I know is only one 
that The Tea House stood on verdant grass 
along with white birches. 
So now, I am vibrating with emotion.
 隣宅の屋根に そして生垣にかかるパウダーシュガー。。。
How beautiful 
the garden of Mies Haus with snow is!
with branch of trees which shed leaves...  
with snow like powder covering a roof of house and hedge...  

with yellow and red of walls standing in white world...    
たたずめた 我がアート茶室は 幸せ者です。

by 丸岡満美
I am sure that 
our "Invisible Tea House" is a lucky kid  
who could join as one part of  this fantastic picture. 

by Mami Maruoka

Friday, February 13, 2015

And, in a German web site

ベルリンプロジェクト「Invisible Tea House」の
ギャラリー「ミースハウス」の館長 Wita Noackさん
ランドスケープアーキテクトのUdo Dagenbachさんに報告!
About the opening of photos and movie 
of "Invisible Tea House" on MoNo's official site, 
we informed to Ms. Wita Noack, 
curator of the gallery "Mies van der Rohe Haus", 
and to Mr. Udo Dagenbach, 
landscape architect, who promoted this project.
Noackさんからの返信には 以下のコメントが。。。
< このビデオ ディレクションも音楽も とっても好き!>
太鼓判をもらえて ひと安心です。
The mail from Wita said 
"I like the video very much, direction and music!"
so we could feel relieved
because of having gotten her approval.
< もうとっくに 自分のウエブサイトでリンクしてるよ~>
And the mail from Udo said,
 " we have already implemented on our website".
So I reached his official web site and recognized it!

最初に左枠内の「project」を選んで 次に「news」をクリックしてください。
すると ページ内に「Invisible Tea House」のサムネイルが出てきます。
Firstly, please select "project" in left zone. 
And next, click "news". 
You can see a thumbnail of  "Invisible Tea House" on the page.
So finally, push this small picture ! 

そしてMoNoサイトにリンクして 動画ムービーも見れます。
On the page, 
our presentation sheets and photos are there.
Connecting to MoNo's official site,
the movie can be run.
ところで 当然に このウエブサイトには 
住宅の可愛いお庭から 広大な自然公園まで 
完成の現地写真とともに 計画図がたくさん載ってます。
上空から見下ろすその目線は まさに鳥になった気分!
by 丸岡満美
Naturally, this site shows 
a lot of works designed by Udo.
We can get satisfied with the world of landscape design, 
from small scale like house gardens 
to extensive nature park.
on this website,
there are not only completion photos
but also many drawing.
I am sure that we can feel like a bird 
with the view from the air.
Why don't you enjoy them ! 
by Mami maruoka 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Open!! in YouTube and MoNo's site

残す会期が3か月となった MoNoのベルリンプロジェクト
アート茶室 「Invisible Tea House」。
MoNo's installation art work in Berlin,
"Invisible Tea House" is opening for three months more.

そして お待たせしました!
作品Photoの MoNo公式ウェブサイトへの掲載アップが完了!
 ⇒ Go to 「ギャラリー」 in MoNoウエブサイト
And, thank for your waiting !
Finally, its archive work photos were set up 
on MoNo's official website.
You can see the best 7 pictures 
which  won among a lot of photos.
そして 動画ムービーも完成!
Furthermore, the image movie also was completed.
We started to release it on YouTube.

前半。 まるで自分が散策しているかのような
The first cut of movie is a scene of Mies Haus
from the other side of adjoining lake.
In the early part,
you can see beautiful garden view
as if you enjoy walking.
中盤、音楽が変わり そして 我らのアート茶室が登場!
In the middle of movie, music is changed,
and our Tea House appears!
It shows various its figure of
not only outside but also inside.
茶の湯の場面や 来館者がアートを鑑賞するシーンを加えながら
このアート茶室が 常に人々と共に在ることを

by 丸岡満美
And adding scenes of a tea ceremony
and of some visitors appreciating this art,
the movie tells that this tea house art stays
for people at all times.......

by Mami Maruoka